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Pes Editor by Ejogc - Tutorials for database edits


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Pes Editor by Ejogc - Tutorials for database edits

Pes Editor thread.jpg


Due to so many questions and queries that many ask about how to edit the game database, I´ve decided to open this thread for Ejogc´s tool. I must clarify that I´m not the creator. You can find the tool here: https://ejogc327.blogspot.com/. Latest version it´s 0.11.6.
Together with @ninet and @Albiceleste1994 we have been using this editor as main tool for creating or merging databases.

I will upload tutorials related to differents editing jobs or database aplications. I will go from the simplest to the most complex. Of course, other modders with editing database knowledge can share their videos or explanations. To keep the thread in order, send me a DM with your tutorial theme.

I hope this thread could help and encourage to anyone who wants to explore database edits and work together for more PES 2021 creations.


Basic bin files structure:

* Teams are located in Team.bin. Slot limits it´s 750 teams. Each one accepts as a limit 40 players.
* Players ID, name, stats, youth team, owner team, etc. (except country, boots, gloves) are located in Player.bin. Slot limits it´s 30.000 players.
* Players skin, eyes, hair, forehead, mouth, ears, etc. are located in PlayerAppearance.bin.
* Player team club/national team info it´s located in PlayerAssignment.bin (this file manage teams assignments -transfers-).
* Competition id, name, continent id, type, rules, etc., are located in Competition.bin / CompetitionRegulation.bin.
* Competition structure & conformation it´s located in CompetitionEntry.bin.

B) After any changes over team Id, player Id, competition structures, entry or regulation needs a new EDIT00000000. It´s MANDATORY.
If you don´t want to lose your actual edit but needs tweaks just minor stuff, use "premium" version of Ejogc editor. With a small donation you can access to all tool features (check in the website). If you want to make a deep edit job (such a patch or detailed new players/teams), bin files it´s the ONLY way.

C) If you want to merge your edited data stuff with each latest DLC, you would need advanced knowledge and estrict discipline in CSV files management. I will make a full example of this.


@ejogc327 for his wonderful tool (for me, the most complete that exists).
@ninet for his wisdom, guidance and creativity to maximize the possibilities of this tool.
@Albiceleste1994 for the several tests we have done together.

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Loading files // Basic player Import-Export functions

1) Live update files first load:

You know that latest live updates comes every thursday. Usually includes update of lineups and formations. Very useful to keep the game updated when starting to prepare a patch or database update. For this first video tutorial, I took the latest Live Update which already contains DLC 7.0 database features.
The video start with pesXdecrypter to extract Live Update database. So first download the tool from here:


I´m attached a txt tutorial to copy/paste the command lines.

a) First at all, launch the game WITHOUT sider.
b) Let the game download Live Update files. When it finish, exit the game and follow the video tutorial.

2) Player Import - Export process (Ejogc method & csv files method):

You will find here some very basic things related to Player edits. I think every one will recognize this basic functions.

Credits to @zlac for pesXdecrypter


pesXdecrypter tutorial.rar

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Export/Import player data & IDs assignments (ted files & EDIT00000000 to BIN files through csv method)

1) Ted files to EDIT00000000

Like all knowns, in PES 2021 isn´t possible anymore to choose over what team you want to import data from ted fies. This add some difficults to the editing tasks. So in this tutorial I show how to use EDIT00000000 info and deep explanations about differences about bin files.

2) EDIT00000000 to BIN files

Many just wants extract some players. Others want to build entires player rosters to create a new league. In this tutorial I show all aspects of this process in order to have the needed data from edit00000000 and use it into bin files. In this matter, player ID changes and the handling of csv files becomes essential knowledge.

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Create new team with real ID using Konami slots // Players team assigments for new rosters (csv method)

With this tutorial I complete basic process to create players, teams & rosters assignments. With exported csv files, you can import whatever and whenever you want over last DLC or newest Live Updates, merging content without losing your previous edits. Remember: it´s impossible avoid one rule... it´s MANDATORY create new EDIT00000000 after bins edits.

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Set stadium names, rivalries & team banners (edit00000000)

I decided to share this edit details. At least for me are very important to have a more real game atmosphere, specially for Master League mode.

Please note that:

* Stadium names, rivalries & team banners letters are only customizable through edit00000000 file. This isn´t allowed through bin files (at least far as I now). If you do this through pes editor, you would need paid version.
* Do this edit ONLY after you already haves a finished team.bin & coach.bin files.
* Like you will see in my video tutorial, I use as base information a Google Spreedsheet published a long time ago here in EvoWeb (don´t remember where so I can´t put the neccesary credits. Sorry for that, but clearly isn´t mine). Of course, you can use other any source information to search stadiums names, rivalries & banners:

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Creating National Teams & CLASSIC teams (bin files)

Classic teams are necessary, of course. So... here you have a fine tutorial to create them. Many patches already haves classic players/teams.
For this tutorial, I´ve created a National classic team. So this proccedure can guide you to create a normal National Team too. You only need to set "None" in "Non playable" field information in "Teams" tab.
Pay attention of the txt notes at beginning of the tutorial!

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Tactics & formations - Custom & import/export csv process (bin files)

Edit tactics & formations through bin files it´s little bit tricky, but can be useful when we want to export own custom tactics or formations to be available for other teams/leagues. So in this tutorial I show how you can do all this.

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Kako naapraviti novi team sa nepostojecim ID i sa dresom

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I mene interesuje, ako može pomoć pls.

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Сутра на дискорду у 20 часова лајв за све заинтересоване.

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Hoce biti na strimu i kako relinkovati bedz server za bedzeve na rukavu, to bih hteo da naucim?

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Ćao može pomoć kako da ubacim peč

kaće novi peč?

hvala unapred

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