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Everything posted by dani12o82

  1. Vjerovatno iz kornera hahahaha
  2. Partizan 4:0 Čukarički Miljković 1:0 52' Koliko ste ga usrali danas hahaha Tejgo 2:0 60' Śćepović 3:0 69' Ilijev 4:0 88' pen. Kraj!!!
  3. Jel sve bilo regularno? Posto ne gledam utakmicu?
  4. Extra igrica imam trojku vec "deset" godina i jos uvijek je super
  5. nije ti dobar link "sve u jednom"
  6. Svi svjetski listovi pišu o tome da bi Ronaldo mogao da predje iz Madrida u City tako da navedeni list nema veze sa tim pogotovo ako pogledas da sam stavio sliku Sun-a
  7. Damjanac : O Rukavini, Rakiću i Sariću... Fudbalski menadžer Nikola Damjanac, koji je veliki deo profesionalne karijere proveo u Humskoj, trebalo bi da se uskoro sastane sa funkcionerima Partizana. Tema će ovoga puta biti fudbaleri koje zastupa, a koji se pominju kao moguća pojačanja "parnog valjka" u prelaznom roku. U pitanju je dvojac Minhena 1860 Antonio Rukavina i Đorđe Rakić, kao i fudbaler Liverpula Nikola Sarić. - Ne znam mnogo o povratku Rukavine i eventualnom dolasku Rakića u Partizan. Poslednje dve nedelje nalazim se poslovno u Italiji. Dobio sam informacije da se priča o njihovom povratku, a sutra ili prekosutra, kada dođem u Beograd, okrenuću ih i popričati sa njima. Sve je otvoreno, mada zvaničnog kontakta još nije bilo - ističe Damjanac za SPORTAL.RS. Kada je reč o mladom napadaču Liverpula Nikoli Sariću, Damjanac priznaje da postoji interes "parnog valjka". - Čuo sam da je Partizan zainteresovan, ali za njega se interesuje još nekoliko evropskih timova. Nikola je bio u Hong Kongu sa Liverpulom i kada se vratim pričaću i sa njim. Želim da čujem od njega gde želi da nastavi karijeru, pa ćemo se sve dogovoriti. Situacija sa Sarićem je takođe otvorena i, ukoliko izrazi želju da dođe među crno-bele, sešćemo za sto sa ljudima iz Humske. Real prodaje Ronalda za rekordnu sumu Prelaskom iz Mančester junajteda u Real iz Madrida za 94 miliona evra, Kristijano Ronaldo je postao vlasnik rekorda što se tiče visine transfera, a skoro isti akteri opet će igrati glavne uloge u njegovom obaranju. "Kraljevski klub" želi da proda portugalskog asa Mančester Sitiju za neverovatnih 150 miliona funti! Iako sa "Istlendsa" demantuju bilo kakve spekulacije na tu temu, španski izvori tvrde da "građani" pregovaraju sa Realom o eventualnom transferu, prenosi britanski San. Saznaje se da bi nedeljna plata Ronalda bila 300.000 funti, što bi prema verovatno petogodišnjem ugovoru ceo posao iznosio ukupno 228 miliona funti. Ronaldo je sa Realom i pod dirigentskom palicom Žozea Murinja doživeo neuspeh. Ostali su bez planiranog trofeja Lige šampiona i Primere, pa su u španskom klubu spremni da saslušaju sve ponude. izvor:sportal.rs
  8. Sahin: Zbogom Borusijo, Madride stižem Vezni fudbaler Borusije iz Dortmunda, Nuri Sahin, potvrdio je u ponedeljak da odlazi iz tog kluba i da će od naredne sezone nositi dres madridskog Reala. Dogovor dve strane je "pao" pre izvesnog vremena, a turski reprezentativac rođen u Nemačkoj vrlo emotivno je pričao o rastanaku sa klubom u kome je proveo prethodnih 11 godina. - Nedsotajaće mi Dortmund, nedostajaće mi i Bundesliga, i zemlja u kojoj sam rođen. Hvala svima koji su mi sve ovo vreme pružali podršku. Veoma sam ponosan zbog toga što prelazim u Real. Ipak, istovremeno mi je i mnogo teško jer sam Borusijin, i to ću uvek i ostati - drhtavim glasom govorio je momak koji je ušao u istoriju nemačkog fudbala kao namlađi (16 godina 334 dana), koji je zaigrao u prvoj ligi. Takođe, Sahin je i najmlađi strelac u Bundesu ikada. Sahin je biranim rečima govorio o treneru novih šampiona Nemačke, Jirgenu Klopu, a odlazak u Real i rad sa Murinjom, kako je rekao, shvata kao veliki izazov u njegovoj karijeri. - Sa Murinjom ću moći samo da napredujem - očekuje Sahin, strelac šest golova za Borusiju u tekućoj sezoni. On je dodao da je pre odluke da prihvati ponudu "kraljevskog kluba" razgovarao sa Mesutom Ozilom, budućim saigračem u Realu, koji mu je pomogao da "prelomi". Jecajući, Turčin je pomenuo da će mu najteže pasti oproštaj od saigrača. - To će biti mnogo težak momenat za mene. Nosim ih u srcu i uvek ću, i znam da će oproštaj biti bolan. izvor:sportal.rs
  9. Cisto sumnjam da ce ovo ovako da bude, svake godine su slike extra a igra ni blizu toga!!! Iskreno bi volio da bude ovako kako izgleda, igraci izgledaju mnogo bolje nego uvijek na fifi, ali nesto sumnjam, ima da nas navuku kao svake godine
  10. Prvi post je namjerno prazan jer ce biti updateovan poslije svakog vaseg dodavanje vijesti pa cemo na kraju prelaznog roka vidjeti sta je ostalo samo na glasinama a sta je realizovano! U potrazi za pojačanjima crno-beli se nisu skoncentrisali samo na inostrano tržište. Obraćaju pažnju i na domaće. Tu im je „za oko zapao“ tandem iz Rada Vladimir Jovančić – Milan Borjan, tvrdi list „Danas“. Jovančić je napadač, najbolji je strelac „građevinara“ ove sezone i deli šesto mesto na listi golgetera Superlige, sa sedam pogodaka. Ima 23 godine, rodom je iz Sarajeva. Međutim, prepreka u transferu je cena. Finansijer Rada Ranko Stojić traži milion evra i 30 odsto od naredne prodaje. Partizan nije spreman da izdvoji toliku sumu. Međutim, pregovori još nisu završeni. Šampionu Srbije je neophodno pojačanje u napadu, jer Ivici Ilievu ističe ugovor, a klub se još nije izjasnio da li će saradnja biti produžena, dok Prins Tejgo verovatno neće biti otkupljen od Hofenhajma. Pored Jovančića, crno-belima je na Banjici zanimljiv i golman Milan Borjan, koji je nedavno debitovao za reprezentaciju Kanade. (MONDO)
  11. Transfer glasine - prelazni rok - sezona 2011-2012 1. Vladimir Jovančić – Rad -----> Partizan (post br2.) 2. Milan Borjan - Rad -----> Partizan 3. Toro - Atletiko Mineiro -----> Crvena Zvezda (post br 3.) 4. Miroslav Radovic - Legija -----> Partizan (post br 4.) 5. Antonio Rukavina - Minhen 1860 -----> Partizan (post br 5.) 6. Đorđe Rakić - Minhen 1860 -----> Partizan 7. Nikola Saric - Liverpool -----> Partizan 8. Ronaldo - Real Madrid -----> Manchester City 9. Ivan Ergic - Bursaspor ----> Crvena Zvezda (post br.8) 10. Ranko Despotovic - Djirona -----> Crvena Zvezda 11. Bojan Saranov - Ofk Beograd ----> Crvena Zvezda (post br.9) 12. Milan Jovanovic - Liverpool -----> Lil (post br 10.) 13. Ivica Dragutivonic - Sevilja -----> Crvena Zvezda (post br.13) 14. Li Adi - Crvena Zvezda -----> Dinamo Zagreb (post br. 14) 15. Danijel Mojsov - Vojvodina -----> Dinamo Zagreb 16. Josip Šimunić - Hofenhajm -----> Dinamo Zagreb 17. Đuzepe Rosi - Viljareal -----> Barselona (post br.15) 18. Didier Drogba - Chelsea -----> Galatasaray (post br.18) 19. Đorđe Rakić - Minhen 1860 -----> Partizan (post br.20) 20. Željko Brkić - Vojvodina -----> Udineze 21. Keisuke Honda - CSKA Moskva ------> Manchester City 22. Juki Abe - Lester -----> Manchester City 23. Paulo Enrike Filjo - Standard -----> Crvena Zvezda (post br.21) 24. Samir Jogunčić - Sloboda Tuzla -----> FK Sarajevo (post br.22) 25. Ivana Krstanović - NK Zagreb -----> Partizan (post br.23) 26. Zeljko Brkic - Vojvodina -----> Udineze (post br.24) 27. Ešli Jang - Aston Vila ------> Manchester United (post br.25)
  12. LE: Porto ima tigra! Golom fenomenalnog Radamela Falkaa Porto pobedio Bragu (1:0) i osvojio Ligu Evrope, drugi put u svojoj istoriji. "Kolumbijski tigar" Radamel Falkao zaokružio je u sredu uveče u Dablinu sjajnu sezonu, kako svoju, tako i svog kluba. Njegovim golom Porto je pobedio komšijsku Bragu 1:0 i osvojio trofej u Ligi Evrope! To je drugi put da je Porto trijumfovao u ovom takmičenju, koje se nekada zvalo Kup UEFA. U sezoni 2002/2003. godine Porto je, pod vođstvom Žozea Murinja, prvi put pobedio u Kupu UEFA. Mnogo je sličnosti između tog Porta i današnjeg Porta. Te 2002/03. Porto je vodio Žoze Murinjo, kome je to bila prva sezona u klubu. Osvojio je i šampionsku titulu u Portugalu i Kup UEFA. U sezoni 2010/11. Andre Viljas Boas preuzeo je Porto i osvojio je šampionsku titulu u Portugalu više nego ubedljivo (bez poraza), a potom je osvojio i trofej u Ligi Evrope. Ostaće upisano da je ovo bilo finale dva najbliža kluba u istoriji takmičenja pod okriljem UEFA gledano po kilometrima. Naime, Porto i Braga su udaljeni svega 47,7 kilometara, a prethodno su dva najbliža tima koja su igrala finale bili Mehelen i PSV iz Ajndhovena (udaljenost 83,8 kilometara). Ta dva kluba igrala su finale Superkupa 1988. godine. Utakmica između Porta i Brage nije bila spektakularna po igri. Finale kao većina prethodnih - borbeno, nervozno... Trenutak odluke dogodio se u 44. minutu. Dekoncetracija u odbrani Brage, koju kažnjava nemilosrdni Falkao. Sjajno je reagovao glavom na centaršut Guarina. Bio je to njegov 17. gol u ovoj sezoni Lige Evrope za Porto. Braga je igrala hrabro, ali ne i dovoljno ofanzivno da bi napravila razliku koja bi joj donela prvi međunarodni trofej u klupskoj istoriji. Prvo poluvreme, osim gola Falkaa, nije donelo mnogo uzbuđenja. Braga je imala prvu priliku na meču, koju je propustio Kustudio. Potom je Porto pripretio preko Hulka, koji je posle solo prodora sjajno šutirao, ali je lopta otišla zamalo pored gola. Drugo poluvreme počelo je kolosalnom šansom za Bragu. Tek što je ušao u igru Mosoro je mogao da se proslavi. Uleteo je u šesneasterac Porta, ali je traljavo šutirao, pa je Helton bez većih problema izašao iz duela kao pobednik. Ispostaviće se da je to bila prilika utakmice za Bragu. Takve šanse u ovakvim utakmicama moraju da se iskoriste...Ali, Braga mora da bude ponosna na sve što je uradila ove sezone. PORTO: Helton, Pereira, Rolando, Sapunaru, Guarin (od 73. minuta Beluši), Fernando, Mutinjo, Otamendi, Varela (od 79. minuta Rodrigez), Falkao, Hulk. BRAGA: Artur, Rodrigez (od 45. minuta Kaka), Paulao, Cezar, Garsija, Kustodio, Silvio, Ugo Vijana (od 45. minuta Mosoro) Alan, Vandinjo, Lima (od 66. minuta Mejong). izvor:mondo
  13. Prije svega hvala, kao drugo odradili smo preko dvadeset stadiona sa Balkana, istina nema svih za download jos ali ce biti uskoro uz jos nesto sto se sprema na ovom sajtu tako da ce biti zanimljivo u narednom periodu :)
  14. Moj deda sutra stavlja petogodisnji ugovor sa omladinskim pogonom Milan-a!!! Bravo Deda ave: ave: ave:
  15. Kako losa utakmica to je strasno, nista od moje prognoze, Porto je bio bas los danas
  16. Svaka cast druze, iako sam Grobar, sjajno predstavljeno ave: ave: ave:
  17. PES 2012: PSM3's verdict on what Konami are doing well - and not so well "Team work is what seperates the world's greatest teams from their peers", claims PES 2012 Producer Seabass, "and is the hub of everything within PES 2012". We outline PES 2012's key new features below, plus what we - as die-hard PES fans - think Konami are doing well, and not so well, when it comes to bringing PES 2012 up to speed, and providing realistic competition for FIFA 12. So, what's new? 1) Teamwork Seabass wants PES to 'match what people see when they go to a match or watch a big game on TV', so the game more closely resembles how real football is played. The essence of this is teamwork, and PES 2012 has undergone a huge AI overhaul. 2) Attacking Play Decribed as a 'more open' approach, players can dictate the pace of movement, with new AI so team mates make runs and support each other in one-on-one situations e.g. dummy runs to draw defenders, allowing the ball carrier greater options when they are being closed down. The team will work as a more cohesive unit, reacting to the movement of the player with the ball, and working to force the opposition into mistakes. See the screenshots attached for an example. 3) Enhanced Zonal Marking and Positioning Konami claim you'll need to work harder to split the opposition defence. A new cursor system lets you use the right analogue stick to switch to any player on the pitch - though we're yet to see how this works/feels in action. This should allow you to control a team mate anywhere on the field and react quicker to danger, and close down more quickly. Defensive hold up play is being tweaked, so you can hold a tighter line, position yourself more accurately and track more efficiently. You can also do off-the-ball switching on set pieces like corner, free kicks and throw ins - allowing for quick breaks or closing of danger. 4) Enhanced physicality The jostling system has been enhanced, so strong players rely more on strength and stature, and star players use their attributes (e.g. tight control, agility etc) to elude a tackle. Players will tumble and lose balance accurately, but can be brought back under control depending on their strength and balance - we're thinking Messi here. The aim is to create a less predictable, more free form, passing game, with less solo-run super dribbles by the likes of Ronaldo. In short, a bit like they've been promising every year, and slowly (far too slowly for some) delivering on. So, what are Konami doing well? 1) Focusing on gameplay PES 2011 made some interesting strides, with advanced - if complex - dribbling permutations, plus the defender jockeying 'wait and hold' tackling - which was interesting, if muddled, and has been essentially copied by FIFA 12 this year. Seabass is tapping into the right language with teamwork, it's what elevates the Champions League finalists Man Utd and Barcelona above all other clubs in Europe. Even in PES 2011, it was too easy to 'spam' with Ronaldo and use brute power/speed to create trouble - and that's after years of Konami aiming to reduce the impact of star players. On the flip side, If Ronaldo/Messi were slow and indistinguishable from the other players, that'd be no good either. The key is making star players stand out for their unique attributes, achieved with mixed success in FIFA 11 - the first game to give Xavi and Berbatov, both touch players, a unique, worthwhile feel. Too many football games have valued power and pace above all other stats - let's see how PES 2012 compares. 2) Focusing on Seabass The role of the auteur, the individual with vision, has been largely eroded in games, replaced by teams of 200 acting on decisions forged by compromise and focus groups. At core, we prefer the 'one vision' approach, as typified by Hideo Kojima. However, this has a flip side, but we'll get to that. Seabass used to be the cuddly human symbol of all that's right about the best football game in the world, and all that's wrong with the corporate FIFA - but that was 4/5 years ago. 3) Not promising the moon Underpromise, underdeliver. It's the vintage customer service mantra. The biggest thing to take from today's PES 2012 announcement is... nothing too grand: simply an evolved, more team-focused, game of football. If the finished game turns out to be far in advance of claims, it's a big psychological win. If. We're still waiting on promised PES 2012 new game modes and edit functions, but these will need to be huge in order to grab the attention of the FIFA fanbase. What are Konami doing less well? 1) Focusing on gameplay We're being slightly facetious, but unless you've got something really remarkable to trumpet, bar sensible iteration, perhaps the best thing to do is to tackle FIFA 12 from a different angle - not 'we're as good, or better, a simulation as you', but 'our unique modes drop a large sh*t on anything you can offer'. PES have the unique Champions League licence - the world's most exciting football competitiion - but their inability to leverage it more succesfully needs to be noted. At core, CL mode in PES is like any cup competition, but with a new intro movie, *that* anthem, plus some nice colour menus. What we really need is a super authentic, atmosphere-rich, in-depth celebration of the CL, that really tracks your tournament progress. Have pre-match press conferences with multiple choice answers that affect player's morale, or even the tactics of your opposition if they're lulled into thinking, say, you'll play 4-4-2 away and go on the offensive, when you'll really play 4-5-1 and play on the counter. We want commentators that say 'Drogba got a brace in the last group game against Juvenus, can he maintain this form and push Chelsea into the last 16 in this momentous game?'. We want animated off-pitch scuffles, manager histrionics (can they licence Mourinho? We'd all love that), explicit stat tracking twinned to commentary/cut scenes, extensive post match highlights and analysis - you know, like the real thing. Ditto Master League. No more Ronaldo costs £15m and is going to Sunderland nonsense. Total reality. As far as is sane. 2) Focusing on Seabass Seabass, however much we love him, can verge on a symbol of faded glories - easily lampooned by FIFA die hards. His passion is unarguable, but maybe the game needs a totally fresh brush? Keep Seabass on board, but bring in a new figurehead? It's pure symbolism of course, but this is the age we live in. FIFA has David Rutter, but Gary Patterson is also a key figure - and the game focuses more on its features, all clearly branded and sold, than its backroom personalities. 3) Not articulating points of change clearly enough The super obvious thing: it looks almost the same as PES 2011, based on this early glimpse at least. After a year of PES players saying the animation was the thing that Konami had to change above anything else, this instantly puts PES on the back foot, certainly in FIFA comparisons which still looks the 'smoother' game - hence the old 'is it really 360 dribbling debate?', that should be a non issue. We know it's hard to bin a game engine overnight and start again, especially since PES 2011 was the first step on a new path, but the fluidity of animation was picked up by everyone. What Seabass is promising in terms of team work and free pattern play could be immense - the biggest problem of all football games is that the CPU attacks you in a very predictable fashion, using his 'computer-ness' to cheese you with stats and logic, not, say, playing overwhelming, unpredictable and fluid passing like real-life Barcelona. We want the challenge in a top level difficulty game to be 'how can I stop this team?', not just 'how do I break down their iron AI defence?'. The PSM3 Verdict In fairness, Seabass is saying the right things, but the changes are hard to translate to clear bullet points - and it's impossible to evaluate their impact without a hands-on. It's still completely possible they've cracked it, and this could be the most unpredictable, free form, football game yet. Still, years of hurt leads to understandable cyncism, and the lack of clear visual improvement kicks hard. We'd be very surpised if this video does anything to sway anyone but the converted - which seems to be Konami's strategy. Get closer to its existing community, listen hard and act. It's admirable, but won't help inevitable comparisons with FIFA anytime soon. The hope, of course, is to quietly, off radar, build something beautiful, that's not just liked, but adored by its hardcore fans. You know. Like how PES grew to prominence in the first place. We'll have hands-on impressions soon. As it stands, we're no more confident of PES rivalling FIFA, than Man U beating Barcelona in the CL final - but you never know. If PES 2012's key features were being 'sold' by FIFA, they'd have clear brands and labels, so 'free form attacking play' wouldn't sound so nebulous, but be called something borderline stupid and clear like 'Attack-tics ™' or something less stupid than we can think of in three seconds. PES 2011's biggest failure, above all others, was its inability to explain its changes - not just to newcomers, but to die-hards. It took us 30 hours to truly love and understand PES 2011, and that was still with caveats. How can FIFA converts and new players be expected to keep up? Konami need to introduce super clear, interactive, tutorials like FIFA, or even SFIV.
  18. Jeste da ne volim Barselonu ali nek ne kenjaju, kao prodali morale svoje, a ovaj sto je napisao clanak ( ne ti inomessi :) ) bi i mamu svoju prodao za patikice od tri evrica
  19. Borusija Dortmund 2011-2012 Barcelona Home, Away and GK 2011-2012
  20. I ja mislim, ali ko zna, tako smo svi pricali pred svaku utakmicu Brage u ovoj sezoni a oni dogurase do finala, mada licno mislim da je jedini nacin da Braga uradi nesto to da umrtve totalno igru jer ako se budu nadigravali sa Portom vjerujem da ce zazaliti i prokleti taj dan sto su dosli do finala :) Moja procjena: Otvorena utakmica Porto - Braga 6:1 Umrtvljena utakmica sa puno nervoze (od strane Porta) Porto - Braga 1:1 produzetci a mozda i penali a ond vise nije stvar ko je bolji jer nema sumnje da je Porto barem za klasu ili dve ( u losem danu ) bolji
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